Time Delay Effect on Transient Performance of Digital Peak Voltage Controlled Switching Converter 环路延时对数字峰值电压控制开关变换器瞬态性能的影响
This peak voltage setting becomes the threshold used for calculation of the voltage response curve for the instrument. 这个峰值电压设置为阈值电压,用来计算仪器的电压响应曲线。
The ozone formation rate increased linearly with increasing pulsed peak voltage and discharge frequency. 脉冲电压峰值和放电频率与臭氧生成速率均几乎有线性关系。
Development of Peak Voltage Survey Meter for Automobile Ignition Coil 汽车点火线圈峰值电压测量仪的研制
The increase of peak voltage will result in a significant decrease of energy utilization efficiency of DBD at most engine loads. 实验同时考察了不同的发动机工况条件下放电电压对能量效率的影响,研究表明,电压升高导致了能流密度的显著下降。
Effects of some factors, including peak voltage, electrode distance, oxygen bubbling etc. 考察了脉冲电压峰值、电极间距、氧气鼓入量等因素对苯酚去除率的影响。
The effects of several parameters, such as peak voltage, frequency and engine load, on the contaminant removals have been investigated intensively. 实验分别引入峰值电压、放电频率和发动机负载等工况参数,深入探讨它们对相关污染物去除效率的影响。
The transient peak voltage of the heterojunctions were observed when the laser was turned on and off, and increased with chopping frequency and showed saturate tendency finally. 在激光打开和关闭时,都观测到了异质结光伏信号的瞬态响应峰值,且该峰值随斩波频率不断增大并在频率较大时趋于饱和。
Suppression Method of Turn off Peak Voltage Overshoot for IGBT IGBT关断尖峰电压抑制方法的研究
The effects of the positive pulse peak voltage and frequency on the relative population of the OH radicals produced in the humid air have also been investigated. 并在潮湿空气中测量了正脉冲电晕放电的放电电压及放电频率对激发态OH自由基相对布居的影响。
The converter has many virtues such as simple topology, high efficiency and low peak voltage of secondary side. 确定了该变换器的拓扑具有结构简单,易于实现,效率高,副边电压峰值小等优点。
Conclusion and its condition are obtained, that signal peak voltage is directly proportionated with laser energy. 得到了峰值电压正比于激光能量的条件和结论。
The paper gives the concept of cut-off current of vacuum circuit breaker, presents the test circuit, analyses the feasibility of peak voltage sampling on inductor, introduces a microprocessor based test system. 简述了对真空开关截流值的定义,给出了截流测试电路,分析了电感端电压峰值取样的可行性,介绍了一种微机测试系统。
It also analyzed the influence of the simulation parameters ( pulsed frequency/ assumed peak voltage/ assumed base voltage) and the wire feeding speed on the simulation waveform. 本文还分析了脉冲参数(脉冲频率、设定峰值电压、设定基值电压)及送丝速度对仿真波形的影响。
The high voltage pulse generator developed in this test can generate high voltage pulse with peak voltage value between 0 and 30 kV and pulse width within 1 s. 本试验研制的高电压脉冲发生器,能产生峰值电压为0&30kV,脉冲宽度在纳秒级的高电压脉冲。
Also the peak voltage width is tested under different input power at the highest frequency and the difference is analyzed. 在实用最高频率下、在不同输入功率时实测了的尖峰电压的宽度。
On the basis of above experiments, combining the positive-pulsed high voltage, the effect of pulse peak voltage, pulse repetition rate, gas flow rate and initial NO_X concentration on the NO, NO_2 removal characteristics is also discussed. 在此基础上,采用正极性脉冲高压电源供电,研究了脉冲电压峰值、脉冲重复频率、气体流量特性和NOx的初始浓度等条件对NOx脱除的影响,并探讨NO、NO2的脱除特性。
G. constant peak current and constant peak voltage. It can realize the combination of many kind of pulse wave form. 该电源主电路采用逆变器技术和斩波技术,控制电路采用双重闭环PWM实时控制方式,具有恒峰值电流和恒峰值电压两种工作方式,可实现高速换向多种波形结构的组合。
After experiments and comparison, peak voltage and peak current are selected as eigenvalues to classify discharge conditions. 在实验和比较后,本文选择峰值电压和峰值电流作为融合的特征量。
The experiment results indicate that the peak-peak voltage of output bipolar pulses almost access the peak voltage of the input pulse with pulse width of 6 ns and 2 ns. 输入脉宽6ns和2ns的电压脉冲得到了电压峰&峰值接近输入电压峰值的双极性脉冲。
The peak voltage at switching off intermediate frequency transformer of PWM inverter is discussed in this paper. It is proved that the magnetic material has great influence on transformer performance by a experiment. 本文针对PWM逆变器,讨论、分析了中频变压器引起的关断尖峰电压,并通过实验验证了磁性材料对变压器性能的显著影响。
At the peak voltage, the resistor can be stabilized in relative range; 电压到达峰值后,反应器的电阻稳定在一定的范围内;
Secondary rectifier voltage clamped by the capacitor voltage to avoid the peak voltage. 副边由电容电压钳位避免整流二级管承受尖峰电压故不需要增加钳位吸收电路。
The peak current and peak voltage of Class E and class F power amplifier do not occur at the same time, so the device is similar to a "switch" with the characteristics of the lowest power consumption and theoretical efficiency of 100%. 由于E类、F类功率放大器的电流和电压波形的峰值不会同时出现,器件近似开关其功率消耗达到最低,理论上功率放大器的效率可以达到100%。
The results indicate that NO and SO2 conversion efficiencies increase with increasing pulse peak voltage, pulse frequency, electrode number and residence time. 实验结果表明,提高脉冲峰压、脉冲频率、增加放电电极数目、停留时间可以显著提高NO、SO2转化效率,提高烟气湿度可以大大提高SO2的转化效率,但对NO的转化具有抑制作用。
The relations between NO/ SO2 conversion efficiencies and pulsed discharge parameters including pulse peak voltage, pulse frequency, electrode number, residence time, air humidity, initial concentration, fly ash addition were investigated separately. 在这一部分实验中,主要讨论了脉冲放电参数(脉冲峰值电压、脉冲频率、脉冲放电电极数目)、停留时间、烟气湿度、气体初始浓度以及飞灰的加入对其转化效率的影响。
In addition, the Boost converter with coupled inductors will generate the peak voltage, result in a more serious problem of EMI and increase the pulse of inductor current ripple because of the leakage. 而对于带耦合电感的Boost变换器由于漏感产生电压尖峰,造成比较严重的EMI问题,同时对其电感电流纹波脉动比较大。
The no-load transformer switching model built by ATP/ EMTP, the simulation results show the amplitude of overvoltage can be effectively reduced when opening no-load transformer at the peak voltage. 在ATP/EMTP中建立变压器的分闸模型,仿真结果表明在电压峰值时分闸可有效的减小截流过电压的幅值。
Then, humidity in air, pulse repetition, initial concentration of ethanethiol, flow rate, peak voltage on removal performance was investigated. 其次,考察了空气湿度、脉冲频率、乙硫醇初始浓度、气体流量和峰值电压对等离子体反应的影响。
The effects of the pulse peak voltage and the pulse repetition rate on the area of the plasma near the dielectric barrier plate are studied. 并且研究了脉冲峰值电压、脉冲重复频率对放电产生等离子体面积的影响。